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Jan. 16, 2023

660: Unlock Your Freedom - The Intersection of Health, Fitness, & Liberty

@KyleMatovcik joins to talk about taking control of your health and live life to the fullest as a member of the liberty movement with practical advice and personal stories on diet, exercise, and resistance training.

Are you ready to take control of your health and live life to the fullest as a member of the liberty movement? Look no further than today's episode of The Brian Nichols Show

In this episode, we delve into the connection between living a healthy life and living a free life for individuals within the liberty movement. Join host, Brian Nichols, as he shares his personal story of overcoming obesity and the importance of personal autonomy in the fight for freedom. 

Alongside him, Kyle Matovcik, host of In Liberty and Health, shares his weight loss journey and the link between health and liberty for those in the movement. Together, they offer practical advice on how to make positive changes in health and fitness to gain more freedom and autonomy in our fight for liberty. 

From nutrition, exercise, and finding a diet that works for you within the context of the liberty movement, to resistance training and its benefits for our fight for freedom, this episode is packed with valuable information. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take charge of your health and become a stronger advocate for liberty.

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Brian Nichols  0:07  
Can living a healthy life help us live a free life? Yeah, let's talk about that. Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, happy Monday there, folks, Brian, you're on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us on of course, another fun episode. I am as always your humble host. Joining us live from our Stratus ip Studios here in lovely, lovely Eastern Indiana. Don't let cyber attacks or outdated Business Technology put your company at risk. Learn more at the Brian Nichols forward slash Stratus ip. All right, rewind over well, oh my gosh, well, almost 20 years ago at this point, and you go back to yours truly, I was a big boy. How big was I? Well to my heaviest when I got into my very late teens, around like 385 pounds. And I found that not only was I very unhealthy, but I was miserable. Because I was being trapped in a prison cell. That prison cell was my own body, I realized I have lost my own personal autonomy. And I had lost the ability to live my life freely. And with that I decided no more Never again will I find myself stuck in a position where I was quite literally trapped within the confines of the own walls that were my body and my inability to do things I wanted to do. So I thought it was important for us today to talk about the importance of not just talking about living by our principles. But how do we actually go ahead and start off if we're having trouble getting things enacted. Joining us today from in liberty in inhealth. Kyle moto avec, welcome to The Brian Nichols Show heating my friend.

Kyle Matovcik  1:56  
Excellent. Brian, thank you so much for having me on. And it's great to see you again.

Brian Nichols  1:59  
Good to see you, too. You say again, yes, folks are like, Yeah, I thought this guy's name. Sounds familiar. I just joined you on your awesome show there in liberty and health. We talked about living by our principles, which this kind of sparked the conversation for today, which I thought, Hey, we should be talking about not just living by our principles. But let's just look at a lot of folks out there who they've identified. Yes, there is a problem. I need help. But how do I get things started, you have your own personal story of fitness and your journey there we're going to talk about today. But first, Kyle, before we dig into things, let's start things off by giving your self a chance to introduce who you are to the audience and your pathway to talking about health and fitness in the world of liberty.

Kyle Matovcik  2:38  
For sure. So my name is Camuto, because you had laid out there beautifully, much better than I could. I am a libertarian. I'm a musician, if you can't see by the guitars behind me. And I'm also an athlete and huge exercise enthusiast. And as you said, I host the Liberty and health podcast. And my idea for this podcast was to kind of lay out how I feel personally that health and liberty are intrinsically try are intrinsically tied to one another. And how I'm trying to maximize your health will also maximize the amount of liberty that you have. Because what is all the freedom in the world that you could possibly have, if you can't be alive long enough, or you know aren't autonomous enough to enjoy it. So that's kind of what sparked my interest into getting into this realm as well. And I was at one point much IQ, a much bigger individual I was 250 pounds, I'm about six feet tall. And that's about 70 pounds heavier than where I am right now. And I had tried this wacky carnivore diet and not that I recommend this to people, but I had lost a lot of weight through that. And then really, it wasn't necessarily the carnivore diet that had helped me lose that weight. It was understanding the behaviors and modifying my diet and lifestyle to achieve a leaner and much healthier being that I now enjoy and experience today. Really quick

Brian Nichols  3:54  
Kyle and I just want to put this out there. He touched on something in the carnivore diet. We see this happen a lot. Now I'm not crapping on the carnivore diet or any particular diet that matter. I'm a big fan of ketogenic diet. But folks need to understand this and I think this is across the board. There is no magic pill, there is no magic diet, there is no magic wand, what requires and you hit the nail on the head here. It's it's changes in your life, right? It's it's healthy habits that you start to implement throughout the day. It's fundamental changes that you're going to take and create throughout your life in your daily habits that are going to help you on this path towards you. Not just change but then truly making your life better. And I think that's the part a lot of folks they forget or they don't want to acknowledge and I got this when I lost all my weight man and it drove me crazy is that the first thing folks asked wasn't, you know, like, Oh, what was the hardest part? Or like, Oh man, what do you like? Is there anything you wish you could done differently? It was always like, wow, what was like what surgery did you use or like what? What medication Did you take it? I'm just like, why is that? Why is that the question? And I realized it's because they want to be able to do it too. They want the shortcuts, they want to be easy. But man, I don't know, part of the reward was the challenge of seeing that I was able to do this. Now it took two years, right? That's not a magic pill by any stretch of the imagination, there's there is no magic wand, there were a two year period of my life where I was literally at the gym, out, you know, walking the roads at like three in the morning trying to just do something to get myself going. So let's start off there. You talk about how one can actually start looking at implementing healthy habits. I mean, what are some things you found successful in helping get healthy habits incorporated into your life? And then how do you think other folks might be able to find ways to get healthy habits incorporate into theirs?

Kyle Matovcik  5:49  
Well, this is a pretty broad topic. For me. Honestly, I do feel like having a circadian rhythm, a good circadian rhythm for you is going to be something that's very, very helpful in this. So for me, personally, I usually go to bed anywhere from about 745 to like nine o'clock at night and get up every morning for about four to 430. That's consistent even on weekends. Even if I'm out playing with my band till 11 o'clock at night, I still generally get up at around the same time. And that's not to say I don't take a nap later on in the day. Because of that, that can be a little bit exhausting. But the circadian rhythm for one, I'm trying to target protein in your diet is very, very important because we know that protein is the most satiating macronutrient. And that's not to say that you just eat macros per se. But when it comes to specific foods, the foods that have higher protein content tend to be more satiating. Walking after meals is great to help regulate blood sugar and appetite because the blood sugar spikes can in some people make them feel hungry. Also, getting some more fiber in is a great way. And there have been meta analysis done that correlated your overall fiber intake with your overall longevity. And once again, that's going to help with satiation as well. And then just also not being too hard on yourself when you fall off when you fall off the wagon necessarily. So when I did the carnivore diet, one thing that I noticed is that I'd be good for a week or two and that I just have this all up binge, right, I would be eating everything you could possibly put in front of me. And I would feel absolutely horrible about it. And then the worst part was that all the progress I made that week was offset by this one day. So I try not to say this too much, because a lot of people kind of get triggered by this term. But um, calories in calories out still matters at the end of the day. And if you're having a good week where you eat 1800 to 2000 calories all throughout the week, but then on the weekend, you have a cheat of 7000 calories. Well guess what, you still netted some energy by the end of that week. So don't be too on yourself trying to walk a little bit more, try to increase protein, increased fiber. And those will kind of get you right in the ballpark. And then obviously, the exercise routine will help as well. And we can get into that more if you'd like. Yeah. And

Brian Nichols  7:51  
we just hit the nice kind of framework here of the two different components that are important. You touched on the physical component. And and this is the part that so many folks neglect to even address and that is the diet, right? The nutrition, what are you putting in your body? What's the fuel that you're trying to use to drive the car. So let's talk about the fuel part first, because I think that might be the most important thing. Because it is often the most forgotten thing that the fitness part. It's like, yep, that makes sense. Get up, move more, do more stuff, pick more things up, put more things down, get out and walk whatever you have to do just do something. But the diet part. It's constant, right. And I say this, I still struggle with this, where I'll see that commercial and it will just trigger whatever, you know, trigger in my brain goes back to when I was four years old getting the Happy Meal. And that was like, you know, the dopamine trigger for me. So like, how how do you recommend folks start addressing dealing with diet? Do you recommend small changes first and incrementally change things long term, or the cold turkey approach? cut things out entirely, and then slowly start to incorporate things back in, see if certain things bother you, but then start to get more of a structured regimen in place. What are your thoughts?

Kyle Matovcik  9:08  
So the nice part about this and actually just did a podcast on this, I believe a week or two ago, according to pretty much every single study you find that's correctly done, you're going to see that all diets perform about the same over the course of about six months to a year. So that being said, what diet works for you is going to be the diet that's the best for you. And the best part is is that you can kind of decide what you want to do. If you like a ketogenic diet, you can do a ketogenic diet. If you like a low fat diet, you can do a low fat diet. I don't recommend the carnivore diet, but that can work too. Personally for me. What I found is that kind of a more flexible approach. So what some people may call If It Fits Your Macros or flexible dieting works best for me personally. And for some people, they mean they may need a little bit more rigid rules. But if I were to give somebody a prescription, I would say, hey, let's try and just make these small changes initially. So why don't we just try to have you know, a serving of protein three times a day with a little bit of fiber, and preferably those protein sources coming from animal foods, because those are the most bioavailable to our bodies. And I find them to be just the most enjoyable as well. When it comes to the sugars and oils and stuff like that, let's try to remove as many added sugars as possible. Instead of going for fully sugared up barbecue sauces, go for sugar free stuff, instead of going to, you know, regular services go to sugar free syrups of instead of full fat yogurt, let's go to fat free yogurt. Try not to use oils on your food or anything like that a lot of people talk about seed oils. But honestly, by law, the the data that I've seen, they're actually pretty benign. I think the harm in seed oils comes from the added calories without any added satiation. And the same dove is for sugar. So for me personally, I would just say try to make better decisions in your food choices. When you look at a label, try to see if protein is the highest thing and that's not to say you should be you know, Orthorexic about it. But try to target protein more than anything else. And if you do fail on your diet, if you do have something that's kind of off the plan, don't be scared, everything's gonna be okay, you're one meal off and you're one meal back on. Yep.

Brian Nichols  11:17  
And I think it's important to read the ingredients, right? You start talking about that. And this has been something I mean, I don't really make New Year's resolutions. I just think you know, try to do something better each day. Like don't don't don't don't wait until January 1. While I better yourself, like start doing stuff whenever you can. And one thing that I just I started doing I didn't realize I was doing it more middle of end of last year was reading the ingredients trying to see like okay, if Is there stuff in here? That's real. Like it's stuff I can pronounce. If it's not, at least look it up. See why isn't sitting here. Oh, this is a preservative. Okay, well, what are they trying to preserve? Why? You know, how much of this is in here? They start to question things there. It's like okay, you know what, maybe I don't need all this extra stuff that's in in here I'll go buy the the more you know, I would say the fresh stuff. Right? The the stuff that your body needs the good fuel. And I guess this goes into another debate, we see that you're touching on a carnivore, ketogenic, vegetarian vegan, is there one way or another? Or is it important for folks to listen to their body? I kind of think the answer is a second one. That's my opinion, but do you have a preference one way or another.

Kyle Matovcik  12:23  
So personally, for me, my bias is more towards a low carb diet. Although I've done podcasts basically going against low carb just because I want to be intellectually honest with people. But as I alluded to earlier, um, there have been playing man analysis is done, where if they look at people's weight loss compliance from six months to a year, all people when calories are equated do about the same and all diets work about the same so I'm sure everybody's heard this statistic that I think it's 97% of diets fail as in people who lose all the weight gain it all back within three years. So I'm kind of lucky I made it past the three year mark and I believe I'm going to maintain my weight loss or at least I don't see me going back to 250 pounds at the start I really hope not. But um, that being said, you know, just find the diet that works best for you find the foods that you like, and you know, do your best to not over consume now. Once again, there are some things you should maybe watch out for like when you see added sugars or when you see a high saturated fat content and some people that may elevate their cholesterol, which may lead to a heart attack. Now once again, there's plenty of other things to look at before you look at that. But I'm just trying to get in more fibrous foods right because it was gonna help with satiation. Try to limit alcohol consumption. Now, obviously, I'm not a zero alcohol person I love you know, my old fashion I love you know, margaritas with my wife. I love all that stuff. And, you know, just try not to go for the fattier cuts of meat instead, maybe go for like a sirloin. And then occasionally, you can have your fatty brisket or ribeye, but I'm just more often not maybe try to opt in for the sirloin steak, the filet something a little bit leaner, just so that way you get a little bit more protein versus, you know, just lots of fat with that as well.

Brian Nichols  14:06  
Now, we can go on to the exercise part This, again, I think this can be just as much of a debate, even though it shouldn't be of the food side of things that the actual nutrition and is, you know, what's the most effective way to lose weight or to gain muscle. And that really goes into what your goals are. Right? And I think this is partly what people forget is that this is much like anything else in life. It's a system, it's a formula, it's got things that work together and different things that you will do and different equations you put together will yield different outcomes. So with that being said, you know, when you look at the fitness side of things, the exercise side of things, is entirely contingent on your goals. But let's go back to that person who had been the couch their entire life or they've been sitting in the video game chair just just gaming nonstop and they haven't taken a step out of that chair in years. They just got the Cheetos stains their fingers in the Mountain Dew stain on their teeth. So how do we get them going through there to taking that first step, literally.

Kyle Matovcik  15:09  
So for those kinds of people, I would honestly just say, you know, let's just start walking. But then let's say this person is comfortable enough with walking for maybe 510 minutes, and they're saying, Hey, I'm ready to start picking some stuff up and put it down. Again, I actually started my wife on this program, and I have the little sheet right here. But um, basically, you'd want to do, let's do like a full body workout two days a week, because when you're still new to weightlifting, the stimulus is going to be so strong, because it's a novel stimulus that you're going to grow, basically just looking at weights. So that being said, once you start to work out, you're going to be very, very sore. So you may be only, you may only be able to tolerate working out two days a week. So let's do a full body workout where you hit everything you know, you want to get your trap bar deadlift in, which is basically just, you know, picking something up off the ground, you want to squat, you want some, you know, pulling towards you to work your back muscles and your biceps, something pushing away from you to work your chest and triceps, you know, some kind of push overhead to work your shoulders and a little bit of your traps, and you to do some calf raises and some other hamstring work, just some just kind of hit your whole body don't go crazy, you want to maybe do like three to four sets per, you know, per exercise. And then you know, maybe try to get some cardio at a different time during the day, maybe in the morning and then hit your workout in the afternoon. And then once you kind of feel pretty good at that you're no longer getting sore, then we could start doing maybe three days a week, four days. And then for some people, maybe six days, there's, you know, basically the world is your oyster, the gym is your oyster.

Brian Nichols  16:39  
What about supplements? I hear this all the time, right folks are trying to debate what's the best supplements creatine? Do I take creatine protein powder, whey protein, whey isolate, casein, what what should I take there? So let's talk about that from a supplementation standpoint, do you take supplements, what do you recommend on your end?

Kyle Matovcik  16:58  
I'm pretty lame in this regard. So I've experimented a lot of stuff. But I would recommend like maybe a multivitamin and vitamin D just because if you're up here up north, like I am in southwestern Pennsylvania, it gets pretty dark. And you may not see the sun for a little bit. So um, vitamin D, as we know has been correlated with, you know, all sorts of better health outcomes in regards to pretty much everything in our lives. So a multivitamin will kind of just hit your minimums. And that's not to say that it's a cure all, you should still be trying to get as many nutrients as you can through Whole Foods. But a multivitamin will help you just kind of hit those bare minimums, vitamin D, because you know, everybody's deficient in vitamin D. And then if you are circled above and beyond creatine monohydrate is great. And there's just plenty of research on it suggests it's a very, very safe supplement, and does help you build muscle, Beta Alanine for some because it's going to help buffer lactic acid. So we start doing exercises longer than about a minute or around a minute, if I remember correctly, then you're going to be able to go a little bit harder for a little bit longer. So that was pretty good. l citrulline. To help maybe get a little bit better of a pump, when you work out caffeine is great as well. Pretty much any kind of protein is great as well, some of the ways may be good. And then if you don't digest those, well then there's like different different animal proteins like I know redcon one in particular makes like an animal blend. The vegan proteins are good. And then there's actually what's called potato Islip protein, which actually is high and leucine which most veggie proteins are deficient in leucine. That's why vegans have to eat more protein versus people who are neveress. Because a lot of vegetables are deficient in that amino acid leucine, which is responsible for muscle protein synthesis, you have to get around that three gram mark. And most vegetarians for supporting just don't have that much of Leucine in them.

Brian Nichols  18:40  
Kyle, what's one thing could be one thing could be multiple things. But let's let's try to narrow it down to at least one, maybe two things that you wish you knew, when you would start out your entire fitness journey that you didn't know that would have just made your life so much better would have made all the difference and would have made you feel like you weren't bashing your head against the wall.

Kyle Matovcik  19:05  
I wish I would have been told that a lot of the fad diets and sensational claims that you hear out there are just kind of that, that they're fad diets and the sensational claims usually aren't backed up by any hard data and are usually BS because that would save me oh, you know, two years of my life of, you know, restricting, restricting, binging, restricting binging and getting to a much better place mentally and physically while still enjoying foods and not feeling like an absolute failure every single time I fell off a diet that and also that you can hit more than one muscle group in a day and sometimes more than one time in a week and get much much better results because you're spreading out the volume of overall stimulus to your muscles that week. So just kind of those two things or two things that kind of immediately came to mind and I'm sure if you let me bid on it for you know, a day or two then I could probably come up with 100

Brian Nichols  19:57  
Oh no, for sure. Well, hey, how about this I know we're already getting hard pressed for time. So let's go towards final thoughts. And I guess, as my final thoughts, I'll kick things off here. It's that this, this isn't overnight. But it also it, it's never done. And I think that's one thing for my, I wish I knew was that it's never done. Like I lost 190 pounds of fat. And I in my mind was like, Oh, I did it. But I didn't realize that there was more to it. And then I had to start finding things to keep me wanting to go forward. So then I got into running. And then I loved running for a while and I was running five K's all the time, believe it or not. And then I decided after that and I my knees started to give out and said no more. I said, Okay, let's do some some weightlifting, I got so into weightlifting. And now you know, here I am. I'm 652 169 pounds, I love lifting. I'm there. I'm like to you about 4am Every day at the gym lifting at least four to five days a week and some cardio in as well. And this is the best I have felt probably ever across the board. And that's thinking back to I mean, yeah, I have a lot more aches and pains now than I did back when I was younger. And that's a lot of injuries as I've gotten older. But I definitely feel overall that I'm I'm better off in in total in total health, right. And I also would factor in my mental health as well. And I think that's one area that we in the fitness world, we sometimes we don't work out our mind enough. And that's not talking about reading books and trying to educate yourself because I think a lot of actual fitness folks are very smart. But in terms of taking care of the mental health, not trying to compare yourself to somebody else, because you're chapter two, chapter three, is not the guy next to us chapter two, chapter three, he might be on chapter 36. Right? So understand that where you're at is not where other people are at, but also vice versa. There's somebody else who's looking at you, they're on chapter one. And they're like, Wow, I want to be on chapter three, right? And you have to understand that you are also out there likely serving as a beacon for somebody who's trying to make a better a better example in their life. So I say all that my final thoughts is to go out, I guess, you know, in the Jordan Peterson clean your own room, but also make yourself healthy, it's gonna be better for yourself in the long run, you're gonna feel better. I speak from experience know, Kyle, you will speak from experience. And this is, you know, this is an interesting, right, we just did an entire episode, where we really didn't talk about the liberty movement whatsoever. And I think it's because you look at this is it's completely transcendent of politics. This is how we as individuals will thrive not as Republicans, as Democrats as libertarians, but as people, right. We want a prosperous, successful people. And it starts with us being a prosperous, successful individual. And the only way you can do that is if you are physically able to heed the call when the time comes. So that's my final thoughts, Kyle, what do you have for us,

Kyle Matovcik  23:13  
I really, really liked the way you laid that out about being never being done, because there is something very, very encouraging about that, at least to me, a lot of people see people hopped up on steroids and what they don't realize that those people still work very, very hard. And that even without those steroids as big as they are, they would still have to, you know, they probably would be still pretty big without those. So that being said, Why not see the best you can do like all the guitars right here, all the weights, everything that I do, I'm always thinking, this is just putting my reps in, right, I'll never be done. This is who I am, this is part of me. Everything that I'm doing is part of me and who I'm going to become. So I'm going to give it every last little thing that I got. And it's just reps, you know, this is just hammering the iron, right? This is striking the iron wall taut, and trying to build yourself into the most robust, healthy and best individual that you can be and tell him a son a little selfish, I don't believe that you can really help people maximally until you fully help yourself. So resistance training for me is something that I have to do to make sure that I'm on top of it at all times. I can't help my wife, I can't help the people I work with, I can't help the customers vehicles that I'm working on. If I'm not, you know fully helping myself by doing that every single day by going for a walk on the treadmill or taking my dogs for a walk or lifting heavy weights or I go to the gym or even going out and playing music like I do. I cannot help other people until I help myself and by helping myself that is lifting weights and sticking to a consistent workout routine and also enjoying life. You know once again maybe deviating from the diet a little bit or just factoring in a piece of cheesecake like I this past Friday to enjoy the cheesecake character with my wife and we sit down have coffee and we have a great dinner. It's a beautiful time and You know, we go home, a little bit fat and happy and that's perfectly okay too.

Brian Nichols  25:04  
And really quick, I don't mean interrupt, I gotta give a shout out as well. So I to partook in some cheesecake because our girl from beloved cheesecake. So she was just in the show last Monday. And she was talking about how she was one of the few business owners across America who was like, You know what, screw this, I'm not dealing with all this nonsense with the government's passing down and telling me I'm not essential. So her bakery, which had just started there at the beginning of COVID. They fought back and she has her phone free. She's cakes now. Oh, right. I don't usually get to have that kind of stuff. And I have celiac disease. So she knows my wife. There you go. So you go Jen sends them in the mail. I cannot recommend beloved cheesecakes enough, I had a peppermint cheesecake. Phenomenal. And he's a walnut crust for it. So I'm gonna be making sure my five star Google review will be landing there shortly. But if you're looking for a cheesecake in the future, that's when they get.

Kyle Matovcik  26:00  
Yeah, I'll definitely have to try it. Yeah, that's awesome. And one thing that you touched on there real quick that I also want to elaborate on. Always, always, always, always leave local businesses, small businesses, five star reviews, if you think their service that goes so unbelievably far, and there's something beautiful about seeing individuals go out there and put their name on the line for other businesses, because as soon as people type that business in Google, I mean, my old man runs a shop to see all these five star reviews, that means you can trust this person. And, you know, cuz this is the world that we live in now is we live online. So when people want to find a service, they're going to look at the reviews. So whatever you can do to help you know your fellow leaders in the community become, you know, more well known and more revered amongst their peers. Do that. Absolutely.

Brian Nichols  26:48  
Tile. Unfortunate, unfortunately, as much as I wish you could keep going and going like the Energizer Bunny, because this is a great conversation. And frankly, this is a conversation that we need to see having more frequently, taking place and liberty movement beyond conversations about who's better Rothbard or Hopper or Heidecker? Nope, stop it. Like, go get get, get off the couch, go get off the internet go outside, you stop arguing fatty like we need to stop doing this, where we think that as long as we're online, having these political arguments that we're making a difference, you make a difference first by changing yourself. So you want to really start trying to see what you can accomplish in life. Go see what you can accomplish in your your own physical health first. So that being said, Kyle, please do us a favor. let folks know where they can go ahead and find you. They want to continue the conversation. But also they want to go ahead and subscribe to your phenomenal podcast remind us what is the name of that show? And where can they go ahead and find it.

Kyle Matovcik  27:47  
Awesome. Brian, one more time. Thank you for having me on. You can find me at Cometic ky LEMATOVC Ik on Twitter. If you look up in liberty and health on Google, on YouTube, Spotify, you name it, you'll find it there. You've been a guest twice and you're welcome back on anytime. Also, look up the band, a common crown. That's the band that I do backup vocals for and also play guitar and we're playing for we're opening for Lita Ford may so if anybody if any of your listeners are here in Pennsylvania, near the Pittsburgh area, come check us out. And yeah, one more time. Just thanks for having me on. And yeah, you guys can find me on Twitter everywhere else where you know, people are people.

Brian Nichols  28:27  
Awesome. We'll make that easy for you folks, by the way to go ahead and find everything. Brian Nichols. is the the main hub for of course, anything related to guests we've had in the show sponsors for this show. But specifically now I know 99% of you are joining us here on the audio version. All you got to do is go to your favorite podcast catcher click the artwork on your your podcast catcher, it'll bring you right over to today's episode where you can find yes, those links, you can find social media, but also you can find entire transcript of today's episode and you can find the video version of the show which is over on YouTube, on Odyssey and on rumble wherever it is you get your video content from all I asked Do me a favor hit that little subscribe button and notification bell so don't miss a single time we go live and by the way, yes, you saw the ticker there. At the bottom of the screen. We have a brand new free eBook it is how to win your local election is for anyone who is running for local office, you're thinking about running for local office. What does it entail? We're gonna go through how to build your campaign. We're gonna talk about fundraising, voter outreach, messaging and more. Go Grab Your Free Copy at Brian Nichols forward slash win local as for me, find me on Twitter or Facebook at beat Nichols liberty. And of course when you're there, please go ahead and share the episode that you enjoyed as today. I think we had a great conversation how we can help encourage folks to go ahead and live a better life to help promote liberty. Yes in a more healthy manner. So with that being said, that's all we had for you kicking things off here with a nice way to start the week. With that being said, Kyle, thank you for joining us. And folks, if you got some value from today's episode, we'll go ahead and give some value back you can become an audience insider dollar 99 over at Brian Nichols forward slash Support link in the show notes. But with that being said, Brian Nichols signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show for Kyle Mattel. Vic, we'll see you tomorrow. named to The Brian Nichols Show. Find more episodes at the Brian Nichols

Transcribed by

Kyle MatovcikProfile Photo

Kyle Matovcik

Kyle Matovcik, In Liberty and Health.

Kyle is a guitarist and back up vocalist for the band "A Common Crown", athlete, podcaster and Libertarian.