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June 20, 2023

738: Tartarian Mud Flood: A Tale of Hidden Cities and Ancient Enigmas

@AidanMattis unveils the captivating Tartarian mud flood conspiracy and explore the hidden history of an ancient civilization, buried cities, and shocking cover-ups!

Uncover the mind-bending Tartarian mud flood conspiracy on The Brian Nichols Show! Join host Brian Nichols and returning guest Aidan Mattis as they dive into a "hidden history" wiped out in the 18th or 19th century. Discover the shocking claims of an ancient civilization spanning from Russia to Florida, building cities like Chicago and New York. But who covered it up? Was it the French, Spanish, English, or even the Roman Catholic Church? 

Prepare to be captivated as we explore "unearthed photographs and videos", revealing cities hidden beneath the earth. Could the Tartarians have harnessed electricity from thin air? Or was Tartary simply an empire destroyed to rival European powers? Join the debate!

But beware! This conspiracy challenges established historical narratives, and not everyone is convinced. Historians, scholars, and Mattis' professor shed light on the flaws and misunderstandings. Yet, the allure of secrets and hidden truths remains irresistible. 

Question everything as we discuss mysterious mud volcanoes, the landing of Atlantis survivors in Ireland, and the startling connections between ancient beliefs and modern religions. 

Get ready for a thrilling journey through history, exposing lies and rewriting the narrative. Discover the power of skepticism and the need for accountability in governments and education. 

Don't miss this eye-opening episode on The Brian Nichols Show! Engage your curiosity, challenge the status quo, and join the conversation. Watch now and be prepared to question everything you thought you knew about our past. Hit that play button and uncover the truth!


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Unknown Speaker  
Was there a mud flood in the 18th or 19th century that completely wiped out all of our historical records? Welcome to conspiracy corner. Let's talk about that instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show.

Unknown Speaker  
Well, hey there both Friday with you're on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us. Of course, another fun filled episode. I am as always your humble host going to you live from our n theme studio here in lovely Eastern Indiana and today, we're going back to our conspiracy corner with our good friend Aiden mattes from the Laurel Lodge, Aiden. Welcome back to The Brian Nichols Show. Hey, Brian, how you doing? Doing good, buddy. Good to have you back on the show. And looking forward to digging into this whole Tartarian mud flood conspiracy. Let's go ahead, do us a favor, set some groundwork. What is this whole conversation about a massive flood that happened in the 18th 19th century that completely wiped out all of our old historical records. And now it's set the precedence for a brand new narrative going forward? What is all this this this insanity nonsense? Or is there something behind that behind this old tight area? Dark Aryan mud flood narrative? Yeah, I mean, digging in is the perfect way to describe it. Because all of this comes from,

Unknown Speaker  
from what I can tell a large majority of the foundation for this belief comes from this idea that sometime in the past 200 years, you're nobody's ever really quite clear on what it was. It seems that it was definitely before the 1960s. But sometime after 1700, because of old maps, I'll get a little bit more into the maps issue. But when it comes to the mud flood, the idea is that there is this ancient civilization, called tortilleria that spanned from basically the Ural Mountains over in Russia, all the way east and down as far east as Florida. So it spanned across the Bering Strait covered most of Asia.

Unknown Speaker  
Huge, huge empire. They're responsible for building all of these cities in the United States. So Chicago, built by the authoritarians, New York built by the Tartarian, St. Augustine built by the Tartar Aryans, and the French, the Spanish, the English got over here, and they covered it all up at the behest of the Roman Catholic Church, of course, are also the Holy Roman Empire.

Unknown Speaker  
being somebody who got my degree in medieval studies, this was jarring to me when I first came across it. And at first, I just kind of laughed at it, because I was looking at it as like, You're being silly. It says tortilleria on this map, or grand Tartary, or something like that, you're just not aware that that was the old word for the Mongol khanates. And for Asia. But it goes a lot deeper than just the maps because then people bring up photographs. And these photographs are often of people appearing to excavate cities out of the dirt all over the United States. In reality, for example, one of them shows a crew of people in New York unearthing a massive underground well, just beneath the streets. Now, of course, in that version, in that picture that they use in all the videos and the essays and everything for tortilleria, what they tell you is they're like people were excavating in Manhattan, and, you know, came across this old Tartarian architecture that they were digging Manhattan out of the dirt, basically.

Unknown Speaker  
But the videos, the pictures, they always cut off the label. Because what the picture was in the picture is a group of people laying the foundation for a larger and it's the Courthouse Square, the courthouse square building in Manhattan. And what they came across was an old Manhattan company, well, built by the Manhattan company, in 1800.

Unknown Speaker  
documented in city records that the well was there documented in corporate records that the well and the company both existed, so we know where it came from, but they do this over and over again, with all of these pictures, basically claiming that what the picture says it is, is a total lie. It's a fabrication. You know, it's it's, they're covering up the real history. And it goes deeper and deeper. And it's gets to a point where it's such a discombobulated narrative that it's often difficult to tell what the core beliefs are. So you've got some people who say that the authoritarians were super advanced and had the ability to collect electricity from the air, and that that's why all of these old buildings have spires and that's why you see St. Alamos fires, that it's actually being collected and stored somewhere. And that all of this is being hidden from us that we'll all be addicted to oil basically.

Unknown Speaker  
Now, of course, there's a lot of scientific reasons why that makes no sense.

Unknown Speaker  
But on the other hand, there's the other people who say, Oh, well Tartary was just an empire in Asia, that they didn't want everybody to know that there was a great empire that could rival something like the British Empire or the French Empire. So they hit it, they destroyed it defeated it, it's gone. Of course, some people just bring the Jews into it and say the Jews had it for some reason, because it's always the Jews, we got to bring the Jews and the Freemasons into every conspiracy in some way. I also recently found out that I'm 3.8% Jewish, and I, you know, said something about it on a podcast. So now I'm getting both accusations that all of my videos are me being like controlled opposition, by the Freemasons and the Jews. And I'm like, I found out I was Jewish two months ago.

Unknown Speaker  
Surprise, I'm like either, either I have been the the best undercover worker of all time, or you guys are reaching here.

Unknown Speaker  
Meanwhile, like, the stuff, they're accusing the Jews of doing them like,

Unknown Speaker  
what's your evidence? Like? What are you on about?

Unknown Speaker  
Now, you can't just make everything anti semitic? For no reason, like, at least at least try at least give me give me a good argument. Don't just be like I was the Jews. And then when I say why you're just like, oh, well, obviously it was.

Unknown Speaker  
That's not That's not a conspiracy to work.

Unknown Speaker  
But yeah, so some people say that the Jews had tortilleria. And it was all for Israel for some reason. And then there's the people who say that it was an empire that was buried because it was non white, and the whites wanted to get rid of the Asian empire, because that made us look bad.

Unknown Speaker  
That That one's actually the more believable one is that there was a Tartarian Empire, and that it was defeated by a coalition of other kingdoms, and that they struck it from the history books out of like pride.

Unknown Speaker  
That didn't happen, but it's a much more believable version of the story.

Unknown Speaker  
And when you think about what has to occur for all of this to actually go down, the mud flood is not universal in all of the Tartarian narratives, but it is like the most common one.

Unknown Speaker  
And what they claim is that Mud Volcanoes, which there there are actually situations where mud will spew out of the ground. For reasons I don't understand, I'm not a geologist. But they have Mud Volcanoes that they believe erupted. For reasons I still haven't totally understood from their own narrative. But they claim that these mud volcanoes erupted. And that they spewed mud all over the world. And that in that this is where it gets hazy, because you're like, Okay, well,

Unknown Speaker  
which parts of the world and who got covered in mud?

Unknown Speaker  
Because that's where the next big question comes up. They think that the survivors of Atlantis landed in Ireland, and that they brought with them their philosophical system of beliefs and morals, they didn't have religion in the way we have it. But they did have a chief god known as Isa, and they had a son, God named Finn, and all of these things, and that isa became Jesus, the Son God, thin those people became the people of Finn, the Phoenicians, which of course, that's not how Phoenician is spelled, nor is it the root etymology for the word. And also, they claim that Finn was the name of an Irish sunguard, which isn't true. There's no Irish son, God named Finn. And the old Irish word for son is Korean.

Unknown Speaker  
So it's there's like Finn means fair, or wine, depending on if it's a name or a noun. So the entire theory, what you find out as you dig deeper and deeper into it, is that all of this stuff is predicated upon just serious misunderstandings of history, by people who are never historians. They're never actually citing historians. And they also seem to think that historians when you go to school and you get your history agree that you sit there, and your professor tells you a bunch of information, you write it down, and then you repeat that to your students. It's not how a history degree works. That's not how historians work. We are taught how to research subjects. So we get lessons in what happened. And then we get assignments to go and research the details of what happened. If the details of what happened don't match what we were told to happen. We're going to ask our professors Why the hell that is. And that's what happens a lot of the time. And that's how a lot of revisions to history have been made have been the traditional narrative being taught and taught and taught and then a student going, Wait a second, that something's wrong here. And that's a good thing. It's a good process. It happens all the time. So yes, there's dogma to an extent but there's also a degree of like, okay, we can revise things as new information becomes available. And that's how history works. Every single time without fail, the people doing the tortilleria videos and writing the blog posts and things like that they cite them

Unknown Speaker  
mathematician, astronomer

Unknown Speaker  
geoscientist like anything except historians. Because much in the way that if I look at history, if I look at science, if I go and I look at, you know, scientific, just things that have happened events, and I only know the base summary information about several different theories, I might draw connections between them that aren't valid there that aren't actually there. The same thing happens when you're a stem person who then tries and does history because you're gonna see stuff and you're gonna say, Oh, wait, all of these things look like they're connected. Now, there might be a deeper reason that shows that they're actually not connected. And all of these things happen independently on their own in different places at different times. But if you don't have the understanding of how to research or the understanding of just kind of the basic facts of not facts, there's no such thing as historical fact. But if you don't know the basic details of the narrative, and why we believe those to be the case, then it's going to be very difficult for you to look at all of these things and say, Oh, well, the connections aren't what I thought they were, and you get so into your own beliefs. I know this because I've been there with other stuff where I've been like, I really think I've pulled it all together. I have, I have figured it out, I have created I figured out the matrix. It's done. We're good. And then I talked to somebody who has been studying for 10 more years than me, and they're like, I like your idea. But have you considered this person's work on this? Have you considered this document this artifact and what we know about what these people were doing over here and then there's the moment of

Unknown Speaker  
dammit, back to the drawing board. You know, meet me in college. One great example I have is Welsh, the length of the Welsh language. The word pen can mean an old Welsh most high, like, basically high. The word brick means dragon.

Unknown Speaker  
The word Arthur, everybody believes is a name. I suggested it might be a title that are very sorry pen is it can be high or great. That was the point I was trying to make. Ard means Hi. So an Irish loanword.

Unknown Speaker  
Three, or Rory three, that can mean King. So if you put it together and you get ARD the pen trick

Unknown Speaker  
or three Patrick Arthur pen Dragon, you can get high king great dragon. And the dragon is a national symbol of whales. So I put that together in my head and I went to my my professor and I was like, What do you think of this? And he immediately he looked at me, he goes, No.

Unknown Speaker  
This guy is an Oxford PhD. One of the best medievalist in the world, didn't even sugarcoat it for me. He was like, no,

Unknown Speaker  
no, Grant, he's a scholar of the Welsh language. He's a scholar of medieval history. But he pointed out several things to me very quickly that I was like, Alright, I gotta, I gotta go back. I got it. I got to revise this, I got to come back and figure out why if I'm, if I am actually full of it, or if he's missing something, right. And I was never able to prove that my theory was correct. Do I still think it might be correct? Yes. But if I ever been able to prove it now, but what I don't do is I don't go out to the internet and start telling everybody that everyone else is stupid. And realistically, I'm the one who's right even though I have no hard proof, right? Because this these guys will cite Anatoly Fomenko, who is a Soviet mathematician who created this thing called the New Chronology where he goes in one in one instance in the book, he actually says that it's weird that a map from 1515 picks the East Coast of the United States, because we shouldn't it shouldn't be on maps from back then.

Unknown Speaker  
Thing is east coast, the United States was first navigated by Giovanni Caboto. John Cabot, the famous explorer, in fifth or in 1497. So Columbus gets over there in 1492. Cabot gets there in 1497. America, Vespucci makes his map in 1507, becomes the land of America. And then what's on the 1515 map is not really the East Coast of the United States. It's just like Cuba, Puerto Rico, and then a vague coastline going basically straight up, it basically looks like a square with a bunch of rivets in it.

Unknown Speaker  
That makes complete sense for the time when you're aware of the fact that John Cabot got there in 1497. And the map was made in 1515. There's a later map from 15.5, that actually revises the 1515 one, and then there's one from 1587. That's more accurate, but the 1587 one that's more accurate, has a bunch of cities on it. Where are those cities? Three of them are in Florida. Now, what are the tortilleria people say? Well, in 1587, there shouldn't be massive cities in Florida. That doesn't say that massive cities, it just says that there's people living there. And there were three European cities in Florida and 1587, St. Augustine and then to the French founded

Unknown Speaker  
So like, we know this, if you know all of these things, if that information is all already up here, because you've read all of the primary source documents yourself in college, it's very simple for you to look at it and go, alright, well, I'm gonna find all the extra primary source documents that I need to prove you wrong. But if you don't have all of that background knowledge, it becomes very easy to get obsessed with these conspiracy theories. And what I don't say to people is I'm gonna, like I never go and I say, I'm a historian, listen to me.

Unknown Speaker  
I say, here's, here's the stuff that you're missing. Here's what's been left out, here's the stuff that I think you need to also read. And if you want to still believe this afterwards, fine. But I'm going to explain to you why this is wrong.

Unknown Speaker  
I think the problem is that most people don't do that with conspiracy theories. Most people just go, you're wrong, you're stupid Shut up. And then what does that do, they all end up on anonymous boards over on 4chan, with this percolating between them as they all talk to each other over and over again, and just feed their own delusions. Until eventually, there's something that everybody believes this, and you get people who have 220,000 subscribers on YouTube, making videos that get seen by 200,000 people saying that the Holy Roman Emperor, sorry that the Catholic Church transitioned to all of its power into the Venetian families sometime in the late Middle Ages. And that you can tell this through their crest, and then they put the Holy Roman Empire's crest on the screen. So

Unknown Speaker  
it drives me insane. But thank God, it's out there, because it's a way for me to make money. There you go. Well, let's kind of go back to why conspiracy theories exist with this kind of being an example. And it's I actually go back to the old normal McDonald's skit, he goes, You know, it's funny, I was reading a history textbook, and it looks like the good guys won all the wars. And, you know, obviously, your your critical thinking button gets pressed in, you're like, Huh, interesting. And that starts the wheels turning how much of history exactly back told through a narrative in that respective lens, which then leads to well, what else hasn't been told, effectively or accurately and how much has been done on purpose in an intentional way, now, also elephant in the room, you just got to look at what's going on in the world today. And you kind of get where the, you know, the skepticism comes from, because we're watching in real time, as the powers that be they'll go through and try to not just only rewrite our current history, but go back and try to rewrite which was established fact, just a short few decades ago, to make it fit the context in the lens of our modern day sensibilities. So I understand where that comes from. But to your point, there goes a step further, right, you just kind of have to take the next step, turn the next page to get a little bit deeper into a lot of the conspiracy and, and more or less understand how the historical process works, going through primary documents, as you mentioned, right, and also trying to dig a little more context, into the actual situations that we're going through discussing, not just today, but as you continue to come here on the show. And we go through our conspiracy corner, understanding not only where the conspiracy comes from, but frankly, and in some cases, why that conspiracy is more or less just that a conspiracy. So, yeah, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker  
I was just gonna say, you know, kind of attached to that whole thing, when you look at the powers that be and how everything's going. They're often the people causing it. Because when a government lies to you, as we know, they do many times, but when your government lies to you about why something's happening, then naturally, when you find out they lied, you're gonna wonder what else they lied about.

Unknown Speaker  
That can go to simple things like alright, well.

Unknown Speaker  
It really seems like they lied about the Nord Stream pipeline. Did they lie about the Kennedy assassination? Did they lie about Gulf of Tonkin? Did they lie about the moon landing? Well, if they lied about the moon landing, are they lying about 5g? Like, you know, it kind of, it just snowballs until you go from? You know, they lied about something small, like the main, the USS Maine that got blown up that started American war, which we we're not even entirely sure if they did lie about that. But it's generally believed they may have lied about that. You can get some from something as innocuous as that, that when it gets compounded with all the other lies, you have people who they don't, they don't need to see the evidence anymore. They just assume you're lying. Because everything else you've said is a lie. So governments and the education system need to take some accountability and some responsibility for the fact that they have done an inadequate job of both educating people about the foundation of history that you really need to understand. And then also on the government side about being honest and open with a populace that they have entrusted with the voting system and with making decisions on behalf of the entire country. So when they lie and when they miss inform the only possible end result that you're ever going to see

Unknown Speaker  
Here's a bunch of conspiracy theories. Yep. All right, buddy. Well, unfortunately we're getting hard pressed for time here. So with that being said, I want to go ahead and let you tell folks where they can go ahead support the lower lodge but also rumor is you're over on Tim cast recently was that was that true? I was over it. I was at the beanie compound, but I was not on IRL I was on pop culture crisis, I guess toasted for a week. It was me Brett das avec and Phil avanti.

Unknown Speaker  
Just an incredible, so much fun. Such a fun cast and crew of guys and girls over there. And, you know, really, really fun atmosphere to be a part of, but yeah, so you can catch me for I think there's about 10 hours of me on pop culture crisis on YouTube right now from the week of June 5 through ninth but if you wanna catch me doing my show, that is over on the Lord lodge on YouTube, and Patreon as well also going to be launching on rumble soon, I believe, because why not? And then for everything else on Eighth and Mattis on pretty much everything or the a medicine that is spelled as you see it on the screen. Aiden folks love the conversations about the conspiracy stuff. Truth be told your episode is actually one of our most downloaded episodes, but really, yeah, a few months, I think we got a couple 1000 views over on YouTube and sovereign. And then you look at the actual podcast version, we had a couple of 1000 there as well. And then yeah, I mean, just the fact that people, they're not only paying attention to this stuff more seriously now. But I think back to what we talked about, it's because of what's happened over the past few years with the real time rewriting of historical history, but also historical history, historical fact, but also rewriting science in real terms when it comes to like masking and vaccinations and stuff. So the COVID thing that definitely has opened people's eyes and just what's happening with our political government right now. It's really it's it's it made this much more prevalent. So yeah, folks are definitely interested. So don't worry, folks, we're gonna continue these conversations with Aiden at least once a month or so we go to our conspiracy corner. And if you want, go ahead, get more conspiracy of your conspiracy itch pitched, I guess scratched, go to at the Laurel lodge support Aidan, give him a like, and when you're there, make sure you go ahead in the comments and tell him you heard him here in The Brian Nichols Show. And that's all we have for today. Go ahead really quick if they do want to if they want to get like the full detailed version of what we went over in the last 20 minutes. There's a 90 minute version of this on my channel from two weeks ago. So I wanted to plug that like because it's relevant, but yeah, well, how about this, we'll make it easy for folks to go ahead and find that if you're joining us here on YouTube today. Right about here. That video over on Aiden's channel should be popping up go ahead, give him some love check it out and also folks again hit like button and a little notification bell here in The Brian Nichols Show. So it was a single time we go live both here on YouTube but also on rumble and on Ben swans sovereign you're gonna see today's episode over on sovereign before anybody else's a sovereign exclusive and otherwise you can find me on Twitter and Facebook at be Nichols liberty. Otherwise, folks, thank you for joining us today. Really appreciate the conversation. That being said Brian ago signing off here on The Brian Nichols Show for Aiden mattes. We'll see you next time.

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