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Jan. 1, 2024

797: America LAST - How D.C. Politicians Have FAILED Working Americans

After 20 years of declining military readiness and waning global leadership, this congressional candidate and Air Force veteran aims to restore America's standing in the world by bringing common sense solutions back to Washington.

Is America losing its global leadership role? 🇺🇸 This congressional candidate argues YES - and reveals what's needed to restore America's power on the world stage.


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Michael Nixon, a veteran and hospital executive running for Congress in Georgia's 2nd district, joins host Brian Nichols to discuss his bid to flip the long-held Democratic seat. Nixon provides an insider's perspective into the declining state of America's military, explaining how poor leadership and dangerous policies have diminished troop morale and emboldened enemies.

Sharing firsthand accounts from his deployments abroad, Nixon spotlights the shifting global perceptions of the U.S. over the past 20 years. Once viewed as liberators, American troops now face growing anti-American sentiments. Nixon traces the roots of this hostility and proposes solutions to restore America's standing.

Pivoting to domestic issues, Nixon breaks down the economic struggles crippling his impoverished district. He slams the failures of career politicians from both parties to improve conditions for working-class Americans. Nixon lays out his vision for fiscal responsibility in D.C., eliminating government waste, and bringing industry and jobs back home.

Committed to bipartisan solutions, Nixon aims to forge unity around common-sense policies supported by both parties. By returning power to the states, securing the border, and upholding the rule of law, he believes America can reclaim its rightful place as the world's shining city on a hill.

Learn why Nixon believes America's future depends on electing citizen legislators willing to stand up to the D.C. establishment. Discover how his real-world experience can help strengthen America at home and abroad!


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🎙️ Tune in to The Brian Nichols Show, available on YouTube, Rumble, and Ben Swann's Sovren. With over 790 episodes featuring local candidates, elected officials, economists, CEOs, and more, each show educates, enlightens, and informs.

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Brian Nichols  0:26  
Most Americans are tired of the political system, which is why today's guest is running for Congress to help bring unity plus a brighter future for tomorrow. So let's talk about that instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, hey there, Brian, here on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for for joining us on of course, another fun filled episode, I am as always your humble vote joining me live from our cardio miracle Studios here in lovely Eastern Indiana folks, the cardio miracle difference is real. I say that as someone who's been using cardio miracle now for over six months. And if you're looking for lower blood pressure, increased energy plus, if you're looking for a little extra pump at the gym, we'll go ahead and join the 10s of 1000s of others who have enhanced their heart health, including yours truly using cardio miracle. And by the way, folks, if you use code TBNS at checkout, you get 15% off your order, you have nothing to lose because there's a 100% money back guarantee. So join the 10s of 1000s of others who have gone out and started their heart health journey cardio, co, T B and S for 15%. off your order. All right, let's talk politics specifically in the world of electoral politics. Now, yes, if you are a longtime listener for The Brian Nichols Show, you know, we'd like to more often than not talk about solutions to the problems we see outside of the political world. But let's just be real the political world still exist. It's still functioning, whether we want it to or not. So with that, we have to play the game and playing that game. Joining us today from Georgia, Michael Nix and running for Congress. Michael, welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Hey, thank

Michael Nixon  2:20  
you, Brian. It is fantastic to be here. Great to have,

Brian Nichols  2:23  
Your Honor. And I'm really looking forward to learning more about your campaign, why you're running the issues that you're going to be addressing that people care about in your district. But first, Michael, do us a favor, introduce yourself here to The Brian Nichols Show audience and why the heck are you running for Congress? Absolutely.

Michael Nixon  2:41  
Brian, as I said, my name is Michael Nixon. I am from Georgia raised in Georgia graduated a little rural high school here in Georgia and Capo County. And right out of high school, I joined the military. And so I served active duty Air Force, active duty Navy, I deployed three times across those two separate branches even got out in 2011. And then in 2019, I felt my service wasn't finalized serving this country. So I did go back into the Air National Guard and 2019, which I still serving. However, on the civilian sector. I have worked for a rural hospital for almost a decade. Now. I'm a director of a couple of different departments. But it was very important for me getting out of the service. And coming back to Georgia, I wanted to raise my family where I grew up. And now we're in this in this area. And in this time of the country, to where things aren't like it was 20 years ago, our economy is constantly in decline. Our military is not got the reputation that it has had in you know, five or even 10 years ago, my youngest son is a senior in high school, and he wants to join the Air Force when he graduates and 10 years ago, this would this would have just boom me with pride and joy. Just because he's following in his dad's footsteps. He's wanting to get out there and serve his country. However, now it terrifies me, I look at the leadership and where our world is and where you know, our country's headed. And it really kind of makes me take a step back and say, you know, why aren't, you know, as eager and prideful for him to do this and follow my footsteps. And it's just because we have so many uncertainties and so many unknowns that we've kind of spiraled into over the last several years. And my oldest son has blessed my wife and I with a with a grandchild and so we're grandparents. This past Christmas, just last week. We shared it with him he was 18 months old. Grow and bouncing beautiful baby boy. And as a grandparent, you had that opportunity to kind of step back you're not you're not living life as a parent, you have that one step disconnection. So you have you have the wisdom, the gray hairs actually mean something at this stage. So you're watching this young child grow. And then you really more than ever start thinking about the future that they're growing into. And the future that I want for my youngest son graduating high school and stepping into the world, the future that I want for my grandson, just to grow up, just grow it growing up into into this country, I want it to actually bear fruit and be productive, and not constantly have to hit a roadblock after roadblock that it seems that we're currently facing in today's economy, and the struggles that we're facing as citizens. And so I've had long conversations with my wife, with my family, with my parents that live three and a half miles down the road from me in this in this rural community that we're living in and say, Listen, you know, the old adage is, is if you want to change something, vote, if voting doesn't work, March, and if marching doesn't work, it's time to run. And we're kind of at the stage now where we don't have enough vets representing us in, in the government. We don't have a lot of business people representing us in the government. And we need more of those voices. Because politicians, these these lifelong politicians are not getting it done. They they've got one agenda, and sadly, the majority of their agendas is self focused. And that is why they're there. They're kind of turning their backs upon the people's voices upon their districts, and upon the states and upon this nation, and in forging their own agendas. And that's it. And so we need people in there that that kind of speaks for the little person speaks for the people that have been there that have went and fought wars overseas, been to third world countries I've been we call them the Stanley's I've been to the stands. I've been Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. I've been all these, all these countries that used to be owned by the by the Soviet Union. And then I think at the time I was, it was Becca, Stan, they had their independence for about 25 years at that time. And you see the state that they're in trying to try and survive and rebuild in this third world society. And then you come back to America. And you're like, God, you know, how many steps away are we from our economy crumbling, and the government just continuing to turn its back on us before we reach that point. And back then, in 2023, you want to, or excuse me, went in 2003 20 years ago, when I when I got back from Uzbekistan, it seemed like we were generations from that happening. However, year by year, it seems like it's just compounding and getting here so much faster, where we're that reality seems like it could very realistically be on the on the horizon. So and

Brian Nichols  7:51  
then like, we're really quick, you you brought this up? And I want you to continue going down this this path here. But I mean, it sounds like maybe some of the main issues that you're really identifying right now isn't necessarily what's happening here in the country, but rather are our footing on a global stage. Is that fair? And if so, maybe give a little bit more context in terms of how you would address that, obviously now running for Congress? No,

Michael Nixon  8:17  
absolutely are our foot footprint on a on a global scale is highly important, because the other countries have historically looked at America and saw what we were doing. And they adjusted. And let's just take the current administration that we have now, they have really not been a footing of power in the in the last couple of years since since Biden has taken taken presents to make the Foreign Affairs more or less aligned with the policy that should be heading in the right direction. You have, let's just look at Iran Iran's funding cyber attacks across the globe. And it's even impacted the use of AI. I believe in Pennsylvania, just a few weeks ago, there was a cyber attack of a water treatment plant over there. And they kind of shut down temporarily some of the some of the functions of that of that plant because they were trying to attack anything that was had Israel software in it. And let's back up a little bit more. And let's look at the trade that we did with Iran as far as getting getting the our prisoner swap, and we released $10 billion worth of funds that wasn't supposed to be used for anything terror related or anything. However, all that does on a global scale is it puts a target on the back of every veteran in every soldier that wears the uniform when they're over there. Your your neighborhood terrorist in some of these countries looks at every US citizen in every soldier is a Pay Day is a payout if they can get them and hold them in and hopefully in 72 hours they can get a ransom. If a ransom doesn't come on, they can discard them and try to get next time If this isn't a standard that you really want to put out there to all these, these four nations that we are making deals with, with terrorist, we're making deals with these countries that are, that are holding our people. The adage that we always stood where we did not negotiate least half of people. And now we're negotiating with them too much and too often, and it's just too frequent to make America seem like the powerhouse that it has always historically been. And just the

Brian Nichols  10:36  
follow up on that, where do you think these anti American sentiments came from? I mean, obviously, you've spent over a decade in the armed services. So I'm sure you have maybe a little more context where this has all come from. But I mean, to the average listener, it's like, well, we've heard the old adage of, well, they hate us because of our freedoms. And I think that the past 1520 years has maybe reverse engineered that argument a little bit. Because I don't know the past three years with COVID. I don't know if we had too many freedoms that they were hating us for that. But where do you where do you think this this hatred of American sentiment has coming from? And how do we maybe appropriately address that moving forward?

Michael Nixon  11:16  
Right, now, let's back up 20 years when first time I ever walked in the country to cause extinction. I walked into a bazaar, and you had people selling rugs, through vegetables and everything. And when I'd speak, it's crystal clear. I'm an American, even though we you know, you're really not supposed to broadcast that you were from the United States. It's everybody there knows what an English accent stands for. You can't say you're from Canada or Australia, because people know. However, people were overjoyed. They were extremely excited to meet an American to you know, they would try to discount things and say, hey, you know, please buy this for me, because I really want you know, you know, to support America, everything was pro us Ave. And even in Uzbekistan, and other countries like that. These are countries that are just Bratton, north of Afghanistan. And so you have everything that was in turmoil right there. With Afghanistan, however, you had so many people that were pro United States, that close to a toy war zone. And now you have so many people, and it just it doesn't just happen black, you know, Iran, they chant Death to America, you have other countries over there that are just super anti anti American values, traditions and everything, because they also see that it's not just the freedoms that we have, but it's in certain aspects. It also boils down to the Christian faith as well. Why do a lot of people hate Israel, they hate Israel, because, you know, they believe Israel doesn't have a country, they shouldn't be there. And they're, they're the Jewish people. And then Christianity sprung from the Jewish faith. And you have a lot of people that are anti American, just mainly because they're really anti Christian in their anti Christian because the rain Taiji, and that that happens in certain aspects of the Arab world. However, you have certain colleges over here that are holding marches of pro Palestinian, you know, rhetoric, and also pro Hamas rhetoric, that at a certain point, you have to wonder, do these college kids even know what they're saying? Do they know what they're spouting? Or are they just trying to ride on a fad? Where they say, Oh, great thing, Michael. It's all grouping. They see this is, you know, this is this is the new thing, this is this is what we're going to try to try to march and represent and share our voice for. And they have no foundation, no foundation, and no base for what they're actually spouting. And it's, and it's kind of worrisome, because these are college kids. These are kids that are supposed to be improving their education, and actually digging down to find what's the next level, what's the root of these things that I'm standing for, or are screaming, and I believe every generation wants to march for something, every generation wants to stand for something, we had our Civil Rights Act, where you had people marching for the right reasons, and everybody was coming together with unity, and it empowered those generations to do that. And then you had you know, when you had the women's movement, you had you had the civil rights movement, you had all these movements that brought people together for the right reasons. And right now you have so much things, so many things missing within this generation and mainly because it's, you have you have this route here that has all these social networking platforms on there and people are trying so hard to connect with other people and find just a mustard seed of reasoning to you not behind and sadly they're they're choosing a lot of the wrong things because they're they're they're grabbing fleeting things that that's making the news and so they Look at Palestine is possibly the underdog because Israel has the Iron Dome and they're the big guy in the in the territory, when realistically when you look at a map, they're not.

Brian Nichols  15:10  
It's all about power dynamics, Michael, that's a lot of the CRT that critical race theory about power dynamics control. But let's you started segue into some more, some more conversation topics that are domestic here in the United States. So let's, as we go towards the the last 10 minutes or so of the episode, let's put our microscope there. So we talked about overseas, let's talk about, you know, here at home, you talked about some college students and colleges and really a cultural shift that we've seen away from what seems to be more along the lines of common sense logic and reason. And now more towards as we identify this group thing, this cult like mentality, talk to us about other issues, you're identifying here at home that you would want to go to Congress and hopefully be able to have some impact on before it's too late.

Michael Nixon  15:58  
Right now, absolutely. And especially within my district, so district two ranks is the eighth poorest district in the nation is the top horse district in the state. However, it's the largest footprint in the state of Georgia and encompasses 30 County. So it's a it's a huge district. However, it has been a blue Democrat hail district for the past 150 years. The last Republican was Richard Whitley, and he had office and he got out of office in 1875. So 150 years come this next election, this district will have been blue. And the reason is a lot of these old guard conservatives, these these old, old dog Democrats, that their great grandfather's were Democrat and they've kind of kept voting that whole rhetoric right down the line. Well, now they're starting to be a shield, their their their beautiful is starting to get impacted because of the bad anomic center that are happening right now in the country and is extremely stressing the poor districts such as district two, where your pantry is not being field, it's not even being halfway field, the $300 that used to be able to fill up groceries in the trunk of your car is barely filling up a passenger seat when you when you're driving home. And so Biden nomics is not just hurting hurting the nation it is but it's specifically hurting these poor districts. And so going to Congress, there's a multitude of things that we want to tackle. But we also want to, we want to get fiscal responsibility under control. We want to get the budget under control. We want to make sure that all these redundant things that are happening in the federal government is eliminated. There's so many redundancies are so many blow tation and the federal government that we can straight up and a lot of people like to look at the budget when they get there and say, Well, what can we what can we trim off? Well, it's it's best from from a business standpoint is you just start from zero, you start from zero, and then you look at what you need, and you build from there. That's how you get a realistic budget. You don't say what what can we tweak, because everything needs to be tweaked. There's, there's too much we've kind of just it's like a ball of yarn, we've just kind of added to the spool every year until it's just out of control. And if you try to pluck one, one, yarn out one little one little thing, it's it's it's even too big to unravel. It's just it's just so bloated. And so you start from square one, you start from zero and say what do you need, and then everything that you can strip from the federal government and pass down to the state. That's what you do. Education, take it back down to the state level, everything get get the IRS, we don't need a bloated our race and our federal government, like we like like like we have now. And then hiring 80,000 additional IRS persons is ridiculous. The budgets too extreme. And so we're going to get all that we're going to take it down, we're going to focus a lot more on trade schools, trade schools do not get enough recognition, enough support that we need. And we need a lot of blue collar people to actually do the jobs in America. We need industry, we need industry to come back into the states, we need to be able to manufacture back in America, we need that stamp of Made in the USA, put back on a lot of the goods that we have here in America. And it's one of those things where a lot of people say, Well, you're you're willing to vote in a in a room of 435 people. So what are you going to do and how are you going to make this happen? Well, one person needs to bring the fat because it doesn't start without somebody walking into the yard and pushing the biggest boy in the yard to kind of get the ball rolling, you have to start the fat and you cannot be scared to find it. And that's where a lot of these lifelong politicians, they're too scared to rock the boat. Because they're inward focus. They're not focused on the nation and on the state. You got to be able to go there, start the fact and then keep gaining ground start the movement because people want to move it. You got to you got to stay transparent and have this bidirectional communication back with your district and with the state With the other people in the country, because your that your vote is not just helping Georgia, or I should say my vote would not just be helping Georgia, it would be helping all of the US have a and everybody wants to save money. Everybody wants to have their taxes cut, everybody wants to go home and feel safe at night, even though you have a lot of people that are anti close border, but they're very pro wanting to keep their doors locked at night. And so you have to you have to come to terms on reality. And a lot of this border security, I'm very pro border security. But we have to get these programs, the recognition they need such as the H two A and H to be immigrant working programs, those have to get recognition. So that way people can say, well, these are viable options, we can close the border, we don't need all these people running through, you know, the Rio Grande and swimming across the rivers to come here because nobody to do the work. When you have these programs that help you know, the farmers, he has helped the farmers in this district for years. They use this every year because people do not want to jump out there and work in the fields, like our great grandparents used to people have gotten lazy. But these people, these these Margaret's that are coming on these HTA working visas that stay here for six months and go back home. And it's all on the up and up. These people come here make great money and get sent back home. And they do well. Now I was I was making some calls the other day. And I spoke to a gentleman in Texas who had a carnival. And this this just impressed me so much just I've never talked to a real corny before. And this guy, he he used to travel, it was passed down from the Carnival was passed down from his grandfather to his father to himself. And he travels the United States with his carnival. And he used to just hire young teenage boys and girls, you know, in every town that he went to, and he'd spin them up, you know, 24 hours of this is how you do it. And then they'd stay there for a couple of weeks, and then he'd move on to the next town. Well, as rides have gotten so complicated in safety regulations have gotten so strict, you can't train somebody in 24 hours to do a job that you're just going to be there for two weeks and then move on. And so his only solution was he had to start using the H TV visa program to get these bikers to come and do six months work limits in his carnival. So he can travel the United States and actually have one person that's trained and knows exactly the policies and regulations. So that way, if he ever, you know, you know, the state comes and actually asked, you know, does an audit, I mean, he's on the up and up. And so these h2 programs do not just have forms. I mean, they, they help the small town carnivals across America. And, and it was it was just mind blowing, just to hear some of the stories he had. But programs like that. And you have these these people that they're super supportive of shutting down the border and getting border security because they know the policies, but you have a lot of these people that just they spill the rhetoric of, you know, we need these people in here, who else is going to do the job and you're like, you know, where what programs right now are available. They're like, well, we don't have any, because they're just they don't make themselves knowledgeable of the tools that we have at hand. And I believe that's where a lot of the open border rhetoric comes from is people people. They have to have bleeding hearts. But you got to follow the rules.

Brian Nichols  23:22  
Michael Nixon for a congress Georgia's Second. It's been a pleasure having you on the show. And unfortunately, we are hard pressed for time, which means we're gonna go ahead and let folks know where they can go ahead, support the campaign support you financially if they have enjoyed what they've heard today, and they want to get involved. The website is Nixon for Michael, where can folks go ahead and support you and learn more about the campaign?

Michael Nixon  23:47  
Absolutely. Go to Nixon for or Nixon for GA spelled We have both websites and they also have a donation link on that page. Please go to that website. donate to the campaign. We're fighting a 30 year incumbent and so we want to make our war chest is big as possible to stand toe to toe with him advertising and bring this bring this victory home. We're going to turn this district red for the first time in 150 years and we're going to bring some common sense back to Washington DC.

Brian Nichols  24:17  
There you go. Folks, if you enjoyed today's episode, which I know you did, go ahead and give it a share. When you do please tag Yours truly, at B Nichols Liberty you can find the show over on your favorite audio and video platforms for the audience can find us on Apple podcasts, YouTube, Music, Spotify, wherever it is you get your podcasts. And for the odd video version of the show YouTube rumbled Ben swans a sovereign which is spelled s o v r en and of course we are uploading our entire episodes to in their entirety. So go over there and give us some love and if you are gonna go ahead and check us out on like your YouTubes for example, please go ahead and hit that subscribe button hit the little notification bell so you don't miss a single time. We have a brand new episode like today's and also Please go down below in the comments. What do you want to see from your elected officials in 2024? Let us know is is Michael on the right path? Please continue the conversation and we will definitely make sure we bring it back to Michael let him know what he has to say. With that being said, Folks, if you want to get in touch with me, email me, Brian at Brian Nichols And please go ahead support the sponsors we have here on the program, light cardio miracle BNC technology advisors evals. We have blood of tyrants and more. So one more time, go to our sponsor page and support all those awesome organizations. With that being said, Brian Nichols signing off here on The Brian Nichols Show for Michael next and we'll talk to you next time.

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